Wednesday, April 14, 2010

...all about nature....and a film that is rare for documentaries is that it was very
creative....The Cove.....about japanese fishing of whales and dolphins. The film focus is the dolphins...amazing to see....i will never swim with captive dolphins....The japanese have little arable land and live off the sea but dolphins are captured and sold to Marine parks around the world and what they do not sell is killed for meat....and high levels of mercury....great true story.
2010 is another early winter now spring thaw....and with each season i do believe the end is near...time is limited and passing very fast...close my eyes, another weekend has pasted...and then i look at my some of my neighbours who have been retired for the last 30 years, running around....i am tired...I am waiting for the days to warm up only to know that there will be several more cold months where one does not go out unless to work and supplies...

Friday, April 10, 2009

This is one for 2009. We are in April in the NE north america....the money people have allowed the economy to almost crash...only b/c the government is printing money, we continue....

The crocuses have flowered and the sun is warmer....

Recent films i saw was Snowcake and Ironman...and am currently listening to Audioslave....from the DVD of them in Cuba. Great concert...

...a new series. The Lady's No1 Detective Agency...refreshing...

Monday, November 19, 2007

...and now that suddenly 4 me, winter is very near and any day all the "dark" will be highlighted in white

...and now it is night time.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Late winter thaw... and the seeds that were planted a fortnight ago are now being transplanted...and in a month and a week, they will be brought from under grow lights into
the light of day....

Sunday, January 15, 2006

....and if you were wandering where the captain quote came from was from the film "Dead Poets Society" with Robin Williams. If i had profs like him in university, i would have been a genius...
maybe.... if i was aware of what was happening at the time.... now i am aware but its too late.
profile this, oh captain, my captain, if you dare Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 02, 2006

Year of the dog- 4702 will arrive in 27days....and the day continue to get longer....

Quote of the day: She makes coffee nervous (You got Mail).